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Ready to use in your app. Try it!


3 reason why

It saves time & money

You will get faster loading times and a reduced cost of traffic. Depending on your content we can help you to save up to 80% of bandwidth/time by resizing images for each device.

It’s really fast

We use global CDN to deliver your content by default, which means faster response times for all of your users across the globe at an average of just under 80ms.

Easy to manage

Upload, store, and manage your images in Cloud via code or on your browser. You can have all of your assets managed in just a few minutes.

Get Resizin for your project

custom CMS system

Managing assets

No problem with Resizin. Our lightweight CMS lets you upload and manage all your images. You can also try transformation on any image and use it later in your app.


Image manipulation


Face detections (also face cropping)

Borders and Filters

NSFW filter

A/B Testing

Enterprise features

On Premise deployment

Custom storage

Custom backups

Custom CDN

Custom domain

Easy to deploy

We have an SDK for iOS and Android, JS, Node.js and REST API, so you can use resizin on every platform within just a few minutes.

Price on demand

Price is tailored to fix your needs. Give us your e-mail and we will contact you and set up your demo account.